Saturday, January 1, 2011

5 Things you need to know before you run a marathon

Proper preparation prevents performance

One of the biggest mistakes, you can before running a marathon is to accept that 'it'll be fine on the day'; 'The amount and adrenalin will receive me round'; "Be ' how hard can it run 26.2 miles?" Make no mistake, it's a very long way and people can underestimate your health by seriously damage the challenge. Some uniform training and expert laid down following a featured program includes proper preparation. This includes a little money in good running shoes and other equipment to invest.

A marathon to run requires a lifestyle change (sorry, it only does!)

If it is good to run a marathon seriously it require three large lifestyle changes, at least for most of us it is.

o need to sort, your diet. What I mean is that no serious runners in your body setzen-junk-e and expect that will perform well. I am afraid this means that McDonalds and preferences must be placed for the length of training shelved and must drastically increase the intake of fruit and vegetables.

o need to sort, your hydration. Most of us are really permanent dehydrated due to a lack of water. While training for a marathon drink much more water than normal and strong cut back your alcohol consumption. I fear that alcohol a runner is poison.

o you need much more than they used to rest.

Their pre race preparation can make the difference between success and failure.

The worst, what you can do, is only up to the start line and start running. It is not long until you are a dying swan when you do this! Without proper pre race preparation can be your race before it starts. Here are a few important things to do before the race begins:

o thinking you carefully you will take what a day. Wear nothing new, but only that which you have already trained.

o from outside get freaked by booting. Give enough time and become some hot stuff if you stopped. A bin bag is always good when it is cold. Warm up properly so that you get no retrieved muscles.

Get your mind sorted out for the actual race

o prepare your mind. visualizing the course as much as you can.

o visualisation finishing and celebrate.

o anyone has negative thoughts. If you only insert way and remember the good training days.

o contact you lubricant on areas that rub to.

How to make sure that you need no last minute warm up toilet break o.
During the race....

o non "race" during the first 20 miles of the marathon. Start slowly!

o don't panic if the pace seems wrong. Many things can happen, it is a long race and will make it much time of early slow splits.

If it is windy, they remain o behind other runners and protection against direct head winds.

o race you not by the water stations. Stop if necessary. Finally and most importantly, HAVE FUN!

A good climax strategy is essential if you want a rapid recovery.

Many runners are in great pain after a race. So much that it brings you from ever running another race. Here are a few tips to help you as soon as possible get back life to normal.

o immediately after you should try for 5-10 minutes, so that your legs to cool to keep walking. If the weather cold, windy or wet is keen to get inside or back in warm clothes. Hold, drink small amounts it of water or sports drink if your stomach will allow, even if you no longer need feel. My personal favorite is 'Complete' from the juice plus +-organization.

o any wounds make ice immediately.

Once you feel like eating, you start with small amounts of easily digestible food that you know, agree with your stomach o. Although carbohydrate replacement is vital, protein is few days immediately after the race and for the next important for the reconstruction of damaged muscle tissue. Drink plenty of water for 48 hours.

o hold your legs elevated as much as possible for the 24 hours after the race.
If find this article helpful at all then please visit my blog who regularly bring helpful advice and my own personal about marathon training and nutrition is updated. Go

William Milton is called with 2 children and a Jack Russell a 49-year-old married man (27 years) swizzle. He enjoys many sports but is especially to run marathons dedicated. William lives in near London, England.

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